Upcoming AOAC China Section Meeting Forum of Food Analytical Science and Standards 2019Oct 18, 2018 Upcoming AOAC China Section Meeting Forum of Food Analytical Science and Standards 2019
Dear colleagues and friends, On behalf of China Section, AOAC INTERNATIONAL, we would like to cordially invite you to attend the China Section meeting Forum of Food Analytical Science and Standards 2019. This meeting will be held on May 14-15, 2019 in Shanghai, China. The purpose of the meeting is to provide a platform/bridge for scientists and regulators from China and global to exchange the advanced analytical science and standards, to know the update scientific activities of AOAC stakeholder panels, and the collaboration of AOAC/ISO/IDF on dairy analytical standards, with involvement from China. The progress of GB evaluation program will also be presented and discussed. The details of the meeting are as follows: I. Time Meeting: May 13-15, 2019. Registration: May 13. II. Place Shanghai, China. III. What is in the meeting? a b c IV: Who will present at the meeting? a b c If you have any question about the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Xiaomei Zhang at zhangxm@aoacchina.org, or telephone at 86-532-8088-5780 and 86-185-6278-9878. Sincerely, Chengzhu Chengzhu Liang, Ph.D. President, AOAC China Section