Upcoming Discussion on Detection Methods of Fatty Acids in Food on China Section Meeting ForumUpcoming Discussion on Detection Methods of Fatty Acids in Food on China Section Meeting Forum of AOAC Food Analytical Science and Standard 2021 Dear colleagues and friends, On behalf of China Section and China Certification and Accreditation Association, we would like to cordially invite you to attend the Discussion on Detection Methods of Fatty Acids in Food on China Section meeting, Forum of AOAC Food Analytical Science and Standard. This meeting will be held on 18:00 Oct. 19, 2021 in Beijing, China. The details of the meeting are as follows: I. Time Meeting: 18:00-20:00, Oct. 19, 2021. II. Place Ballroom 1 Sheraton Beijing Lize Hotel, Beijing Address: No.1 Building, No. 8 XiyingRoad, Fengtai District, Beijing, P. R. China. Telephone: 86-010-63398888,86-13223344828. III. What's in the meeting?
IV: How to attend on line https://zoom.us/j/82909065738?pwd=VWNBeWUzd0piTFVnVXU5Vm54Tzk1UT09 Number:829 0906 5738 password:20218888 If you have any question about the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Ping Jing at jingp@aoacchina.org, or telephone at 86-532-8088-5779 and 86-178-5327-8002. |