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2024 AOAC China Analytical Science & Standards Symposium was Successfully Organized in Chengdu


2024 AOAC China Analytical Science & Standards Symposium was Successfully Organized in Chengdu

The 2024 AOAC China Section Meeting was held on May 16-17 in Chengdu, China. About 350 attendees from Chinese regulators, industries, academia, and representatives from AOAC/ISO/IDF, physically or virtually attended the meeting to communicate the advanced standards and technologies in food safety areas.

The topics of “China/International analytical standard harmonization” and “discussion of veterinary drug standards in food and new technologies for cutting-edge analysis”, “analysis of food packaging and environmental hazards”, “research on food authenticity and microbiological technology”, “research on testing methods for dairy products and foods for special medical products”, “comparison of China and international analytical standards” were highlighted during the whole conference.

Through this conference, AOAC China section has provided a valuable platform to enable analytical scientists from China and AOAC INTERNATIONAL, industry and government, to exchange the technologies, and methods based on science.


Group photo of the meeting


Dr. Chengzhu Liang, President of AOAC China, Chaired the meeting


Main session: Dialogue on collaboration of China & International standards organizations, Chaired by Dr. Chengzhu Liang and Jing Xiao, CFSA


Dr. David B. Schmidt,   CEO of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, updated the progress of AOAC’s scientific programs and activities


Prof. Jing Xiao, CFSA, updated the GB (national food safety standards) follow up evluation program


Prof. Chunlin Fan, Deputy Secretary General of the Food Safety Sampling and Monitoring Secretariat of the State Administration for Market Regulation, introduced the Chinese food safety monitoring and sampling system and application of new analytical technologies


Nicholas Cellar, Director, Applied Research, Abbott, presented the regulation and methods requirements for food safety monitoring and sampling   inspection in America


Dr. Hongmei Li, Researcher of National Institute of Metrology, presented her study on the development of reference materials and the accuracy of testing standards


Dr. Erik Konings, from Nestle Research, updated the upcoming collaborative studies on contaminants and new working group on Pesticide Residues in culinary herbs and spices at the AOAC Southeast Asia section


Session 1: Research on Food Nutrition, Contaminant Detection Technology and Standards


Session 3: Dairy Products and Special Dietary Testing Methods


Session 4: Method alignment between China and international standards


Session 7:Innovative Technologies and New Standards for

Contaminants Control